Andy Murray, Global CEO of Saatchi & Saatchi X, is an early adopter of the Kindle and never leaves home without it. He is the greatest evangelist (second only to Oprah, who showed it last week and drove her viewers straight onto where Kindle sales are once again going through the roof). Andy’s after me to get one and somehow he has convinced himself that the retro design is cool and Atari 80’s-like. He also finds it emotional and sensorial. Andy has always been a voracious news reader and tells me he now downloads, free everyday, the Financial Times, New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Onion, Slate, Time, BusinessWeek, and Newsweek. Without commenting on Andy’s somewhat conservative reading taste (!!) I wonder if anyone else out there has any views on the Kindle? I love to read but I still love the physical fix you get from newspapers. That’s why I still buy CDs which I then of course, put onto my iPod. Am I being a dinosaur? Should I give in and Kindle?