Personal Trainer

For the first time in my life I have been working with a personal trainer. I’ve recommended his blog to you before, Erik Hansen. I’m really enjoying the experience. And at the heart of this experience is the relationship I am building with Erik. As a neophyte to all this, it strikes me that the relationship you have with a personal trainer should be as intimate as the one you have with your close friends, your work mentors, and your priest! I have complete confidence in Erik. I have no doubts about him. I know he will push me as far as we are both able to go. I also know he recognizes when I have had a big night out and I’m not feeling too flash, or when I’m rehabilitating an injury. We’re on the same wavelength emotionally and spiritually, and it really makes a difference to my performance.

If you are considering investing in a personal trainer, make sure it is someone you like and trust.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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