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A New Yorker in Toulouse, John Leahy is arguably the best salesman on the planet. Under his leadership as Chief Commercial Officer, Airbus has taken off (literally!) and sold over 10,000 aircraft ($1 trillion at list price), making it the world’s largest producer of passenger planes. Ongoing innovation by competitors and financial restraints affecting purchasers make the aircraft business highly competitive and success is hard-earned. To make it in this market, John encapsulates these three Ds:
  • Drive: Highly motivated to succeed and a passion for winning is one of the main reasons John has enabled Airbus to dominate 64% of market share.
  • Determination: Such a stellar career is only possible with a determined and ambitious attitude; John has bucket loads of both.
  • Dedication: John first joined Airbus in 1985 and has the uncanny ability to give customers exactly what they want. At 62, John recently said that he has no plans to retire for several years and believes there are plenty more planes to be sold.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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