Bob Latham is a friend of mine from Texas and fellow sports fanatic. He is a successful trial lawyer, dedicates his time to the boards of USA Rugby and the US Olympic Committee – and writes a sports column on the side. When Rolf Jensen said that the heroes of the twenty-first century will be the storytellers, who’d have thought he had in mind a rugby-playing Texas lawyer?
In his sports travels, there’s none of this VIP or corporate box business where Bob’s concerned. He is all about getting down amongst the athletes and fans to experience the true nature of sport.
With a wealth of stories up his sleeve, Bob has published a collection of 50 columns from his travels, Winners and Losers: Rants, Riffs & Reflections on the World of Sports. It’s just a great example of good storytelling. You get to experience the events by Bob’s side rather than observe from afar, and each story provides an exclusive insider’s view to some historic moments.
You will enjoy first hand accounts of events as diverse as Muhammad Ali’s seventieth birthday party to hockey at Wrigley Field and the Super Bowl. Bob also reflects on a variety of issues from the common living room musings of which sports event in history would you most like to have witnessed, to a humorous examination of the NCAA policy on mascots. He even manages to work Fonzie and Nelson Mandela into the same essay.
Name a sport and you’ll find it in the book. A great read. At Amazon.