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Some see it as amazing progress, others total madness, but there’s no stopping the march of modern day living into the moment. I’m a believer in the fast, hi-tech, ‘wow the now’ future, and reckon that overall a ‘hey presto!’ approach will make life better and easier for the generations to come.

Time travelers arriving from 50 years back would have to be gob smacked by the instant reality here and ahead. Just these three examples would blow them away:

  • Why build more car parks if a self-driving car could pick you up when your smartphone detects you’re leaving work.
  • A company in China is planning to build the world’s tallest building in how long? Not years, not half a year, 90 days.
  • And why not get the grocery shopping done while waiting for the train or plane? Whether you’re shopping at-home, on-the-go or in-store, take the check-out line and the schlepping out of the equation.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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