Can one love their bedsheets? I must say that it is possible now that I have laid my head on Boll and Branch. It was an instant connection. Mystery, Sensuality and Intimacy rolled into one. My new Lovemark created an enlightened moment, a new sensation that made me think “why have I not felt this before?”
For me, the appeal of Boll and Branch is not just the feel of the sheets, but their caring for the people who make them. In a market where the conscious consumer is starting to make headlines, Boll and Branch are leading the way for bedroom textiles that are environmentally and socially friendly, spreading awareness and telling a story while they do it. They use fair-trade, organic cotton, and are transparent about suppliers and production.
If you’re interested in trying their products, you won’t find Boll and Branch in a store. This top brand keeps costs down by selling through e-commerce only, so you’ll have to check out their website. A Lovemark that makes sustainability irresistible.