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In the advertising business, to instil the trust of clients, it’s simple: consistently deliver great results. Today however there’s an element that can get in the way, born of modern technology that has taken an element of mystery out of the work of creatives.

People now have access to the tools of the trade if they so desire, which means they can apply their own creativity in the form of different colors, fonts and even editing techniques. We’ve all heard of clients taking a lead role in casting ads.

Rory Clayton, a great leader, client and soldier put it best when former (and legendary) Saatchi & Saatchi Art Director Alexandra Taylor – who recently won the D&AD President’s Award – asked what he thought of her creative work.

He paused, looked at her and said: “Alex, I wouldn’t ask you how to run the British Army, so I’m certainly not going to tell you how to do your advertising!”

My own add to this is what Yoshio Ishizaka, then head of Toyota’s International business, said to me a decade ago: “Kevin, you will never know more than us about building cars, but we will never know more about the people who buy them than you.”

Trust your agency.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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