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Here’s a nice way to close out the year. 64 Shots features in Leadership Now’s best books on leadership for 2016. Here’s the full line-up. Make 2017 a big one for leaders at all levels.

Deep Work: Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World by Cal Newport
To thrive in the new economy—the current information economy—you need to master these two core abilities: 1. The ability to quickly master hard things; and 2. The ability to produce at an elite level, in terms of both quality and speed.

Superbosses: How Exceptional Leaders Master the Flow of Talent by Sydney Finkelstein
Although Superbosses may differ in leadership styles, they share a playbook that leads to extraordinary success founded on making other people successful.

Originals: How Non-Conformists Move the World by Adam Grant
Adam Grant demonstrates how originality, can and should be taught and nurtured. Anyone can innovate if given the opportunity and the support.

The Three-Box Solution: A Strategy for Leading Innovation by Vijay Govindarajan
Ultimately our future is not in linear—incremental—improvements. It is in nonlinear—nonconforming, breakthrough—change.

Learning Leadership: The Five Fundamentals of Becoming an Exemplary Leader
by James M. Kouzes and Barry Z. Posner
Learning Leadership is a comprehensive guide to unleashing the inner-leader in us all and to building a solid foundation for a lifetime of leadership growth and mastery.

64 Shots: Leadership in a Crazy World by Kevin Roberts
The punchy insights into winning – hitting readers lightly jab after jab – are an array of one-liners, sound bites, tweets, charts, quotes and historical reference points.

The Outward Mindset: Seeing Beyond Ourselves by The Arbinger Institute
The Outward Mindset enables individuals and organizations to make the one change that most dramatically improves performance, sparks collaboration, and accelerates innovation—a shift to an outward mindset.

Pre-Suasion: A Revolutionary Way to Influence and Persuade by Robert Cialdini
What separates effective communicators from truly successful persuaders? Optimal persuasion is achieved only through optimal pre-suasion. In other words, to change “minds” a pre-suader must also change “states of mind.”

Hopping over the Rabbit Hole: How Entrepreneurs Turn Failure into Success by Anthony Scaramucci
So much of successful entrepreneurship is learning to lead yourself. More than anything it means always pressing forward and a good dose of creativity especially when things don’t look good.

Managing in the Gray: Five Timeless Questions for Resolving Your Toughest Problems at Work by Joseph L. Badaracco Jr.
Five questions we should be asking to resolve the inevitable gray areas we will all face from time to time. Gray areas demand our best judgment. The five questions provide a way to get there.

Simply Brilliant: How Great Organizations Do Ordinary Things in Extraordinary Ways
by William C. Taylor
In a time of wrenching disruptions and exhilarating advances, of unrelenting turmoil and unlimited promise, the future is open to everybody. The thrill of breakthrough creativity and breakaway performance can reimagine what’s possible in their fields.

The Ideal Team Player: How to Recognize and Cultivate The Three Essential Virtues
by Patrick M. Lencioni
Whether you’re a leader trying to create a culture around teamwork, a staffing professional looking to hire real team players, or a team player wanting to improve yourself, this book will prove to be as useful as it is compelling.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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