I’ve worked on the MBA programme at Lancaster University for five/six years now (Lancaster is The Sunday Times University of the Year as we speak!) and Peter Lenney (the Magician) is the Director of the Programme. He teaches ‘The Mindful Manager’ which is uplifting, inspirational and fit for Purpose.
I’ve picked out 10 soundbites from his lectures. Hope you find them as stimulating as I did.
1) A Mindful Manager deals with ‘the world as it is’, not ‘as s/he might wish it to be’.
2) A Mindful Manager is at peace with no peace!
3) The only thing I know is that I know nothing!
4) The only thing of which I can be certain is that I cannot ever be certain.
5) We must LISTEN, not ‘hear’ and we must OBSERVE, not ‘see’.
6) If you don’t learn to fail you will fail to learn.
7) There are no facts, there are only interpretations.
8) It is the experiencing that counts, not the experience.
9) Reflection made easy – What? So what? Now what?
10) Reason persuades people – emotion moves them.