I’ve written frequently about the Power of Three and man’s predilection for thinking in threes. Three’s fit comfortably into our mind, we can remember them and focus on them – Aviate, Navigate, Communicate; Adapt, Improvise, Overcome; React, Recover, Regain; and at my own core – Focus, Commitment, Discipline.
Focusing in today’s VUCA world with our mobiles continuously interrupting our flow is increasingly difficult, with distractions – both real and self-imposed – all around us.
Canadian Chris Bailey has been studying Productivity and Focus for a few years now and has just published Hyperfocus (Pan Macmillan). Worth a read.
A few take-outs:
– Set yourself no more than three daily tasks. Write ‘em down, knock ‘em off. The Power of Three!!
– Get on top of your phone: Put it in airplane mode; leave it in another room; store it in your (more inaccessible) laptop bag; shut off almost all notifications; decimate your apps; never take it into the bedroom; go back to watches / alarm clocks for telling the time.
– Switch environments from messy to tidy and back again to maximise the right balance between creativity and discipline.
– Take a mindful shower – or my version – a mindful bike ride. And my favourite – have a glass of wine during the evening (people are 20 – 40% more creative after a small amount of alcohol). Trick is to remember to write down what you come up with!!!