Spoke at two great Unfiltered Live events in Auckland and Christchurch last week.  Great speakers, great format – 20 minutes on three mistakes, the three learnings and the fixes.  Uplifting fun with great advice.

And a great number of mistakes (and learnings!) to choose from.  Rather than go over these, here are the pieces of advice I left the audience with.
1)    Don’t take a knife to a gun-fight.
       Adapt.  Improvise.  Overcome.
       Work harder, smarter, longer.
2)    Put all your eggs in one basket, and watch that basket.
       Focus.  Commitment.  Discipline.
       Be obsessed, or Be Average.
3)    Invest in fierce, powerful Financial capability.
       Managers are just as important as leaders.
       Stars in your eyes, finger on the pulse, feet on the ground.
PS:    And yet another failing – as I jumped (athletically, or so I thought) on to the stage, my Achilles went ‘Pop’ and a burning pain shot up my leg.  I limped through the preso and rushed straight to see George Duncan, All Black muscle/tissue specialist and Dr Marcus Stone – my doctor for 30 years.  Sent for a scan by the two Wise Men.  The good news – no tear, no rupture, no moonboot, no cast.  The bad news – acute tendonitis, six months no exercise, anti-inflammatories, ice, compression bandages, and limping.  Cycling an option ‘soon’, but no up-hill.  Doctor’s advice (Fix Fast!!) – ‘If it hurts, stop’.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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