Photo credit – GQ Magazine

There’s a great interview with the UK’s greatest living rock-star/musician /songwriter/Beatle/icon Paul McCartney in British GQ’s September edition.  Terrific writing by GQ Editor Dylan Jones.


I’ve always been a Beatles (vs Stones) fan and Sgt Pepper and Revolver are two of my top five albums of all time (alongside Pet Sounds, Born to Run and Blood on the Tracks).


Trudy and I spent an hour in BA’s Concorde Lounge with Mr McCartney and then we flew together to NYC from Heathrow (those were the days!) and was impressed by his conviviality, humility and self-awareness – plus he loves a chat!!!!


The GQ article is the real deal.  The real McCartney.  It reminded me to check out a dozen songs that I’d forgotten in the world of Hey Jude, Eleanor Rigby, Lady Madonna, Yesterday etc etc.  Here’s Dylan Jones’ ‘reminder’ playlist.




PS:  Watch out for Peter Jackson’s (yes – that Peter Jackson) Get Back documentary scheduled for release August 2021.  An epic, upbeat answer to that dismal Let It Be 1970 documentary.


Let ‘Em In   (Wings at the Speed of Sound)

Girlfriend   (London Town)

Monkberry Moon Delight   (Ram)

My Brave Face   (Flowers in the Dirt)

Every Night   (McCartney)

Young Boy   (Flaming Pie)

Some People Never Know   (Wild Life)

Ever Present Past   (Memory Almost Full)

Dear Friend   (Wild Life)

Take It Away   (Wingspan)

Distractions   (Flowers in the Dirt)

This Never Happened Before   (Chaos and Creation in the Backyard)

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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