Following Thursday’s Throwback Fab Five post, I’ve been asked for my current list of five things I love.


During the last 15 Pandemic months I’ve loved:


1)  Spotify.

Gets better every day as it learns more about me.  The Daily lists, the More Like lists and the Specific Cccasion lists (July 4’s The Best Damn 4thof July playlist accompanied our hot dogs, burgers ‘n beer July 4 BBQ celebration yesterday) get my day off to a great start.


2)  Firestick.

Trudy surprised me with this terrific piece of tech which unlocks all the world rugby via Flosports, great drama from the UK’s Britbox including Series Six of Line of Duty, Manchester City’s in-house videos, amazing shows on HBO Max and Amazon Prime, Premier League, Champions League and UK domestic cups via Peacock, Paramount and ESPN – and streams them onto our Samsung TV screens.


3)  Cannondale.

Another surprise from Trudy a couple of years back supported by our cycling curator (The Dykester).  A super-light, super-fast road bike which I’ve used every single day since March 15, 2020.  10 miles a day on the beautiful roads of our Desert hideaway in The Boulders, Carefree.


4)  Porthos Wines.

A brilliant wine importer/counsellor founded by Hal Oates in the Napa.  Recommended to us by American Express last year – and expertly marshalled and curated by Rebecca Rodriguez who is to my wine cellar what Spotify is to my music.  The more she gets to know me, the more interesting her recommendations/offers become.


5)  My Grandkids.

Still on the list five years later – and now we’re lucky enough to have seven – with one more to join us in a few weeks.  Truly God’s reward.



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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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