I posted on Monday a plea for us all to bring back some joy, some spring in our step, some hope and some optimism as we edge towards a new world of blending work/life and learning to live with Covid-19.
Most companies/businesses are planning some form of hybrid, staggered, tentative return to work over the next six months.
They are seeking to combine sociability, togetherness, training, coaching, team, creativity and connectivity with safety, security and learnings from the past 18 months, all to deliver a happier, more productive work/life blend.
In my next three posts I’ll share some top-line tips we’re advising companies (and you!) to consider.
Let’s start with going back to the office.
Here are seven things to consider:
- Create a ROWE (Results Only Working Environment) – it’s about results – not hours, emails, stress, busyness.
- See, Listen, Talk and Laugh with your colleagues.
- Keep off your screen – you’re here to meet.
- Get smart over start/finish times (off-peak).
- Take your breaks outside.
- Keep your meetings down to 45 minutes – stand up for most of that time, start and finish on time, leave phones at the door.
- Connect ✶ Collaborate ✶ Create.