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Let Happiness Ring – Part II

Seven Secrets of Psychological Happiness:

  1. Ten minutes of mindfulness every day.
  2. A few minutes of self-compassion.
  3. Making time for ‘gratitude journaling’ – either ‘counting your blessings’ in your head as you wake up or before you go to sleep, or making a written list of what you have to be thankful for today, from small things (the smile from a stranger in the queue at the post office, the cup of coffee just when you needed it) to big things (like your health).
  4. Reducing your time on social media. Give yourself a daily limit. Aim for 30 minutes, no more. (I am a regular on X @GylesB1 and Instagram @gylesbrandreth, but all research shows that excessive social media use can contribute to loneliness, depression, loss of self-esteem and a reduced ability to develop meaningful relationships.)
  5. Ensuring a sense of purpose in life, a reason to get up in the morning, and setting short-term attainable goals (eg, your purpose might be to spend quality time with friends and family. Your short-term goal is to fix specific dates and times to meet up with them. Or your purpose might be to become a valued and valuable member of the community. Your short-term goal might be to work out what you can do this week to make a difference.)
  6. Laughing. Watch your favourite television show, learn a few jokes, spend time with people who can make you laugh.
  7. Giving. Give time, money, advice… even brief moments of giving and generosity will increase your own happiness – as well as the recipient’s, of course. Supporting a charity, volunteering on a regular basis, spontaneously giving up your seat to someone on a crowded train – each in their way can contribute to your happiness.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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