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The Artist in Residence

One of the joys of The Farm in New Jersey is seeing three of our grandchildren – Kendall, Cameron and Andrew, popping in and out all day long.

The youngest of the three is 8 year old Andrew who exhibits all of the classic, youngest born traits.  Fun-loving, high-energy, charming, open-minded, innovative and experimental. 

Here is a photo showing Andrew, after having personally and painstakingly assembled this Sally Tagg sculpture, which arrived from New Zealand a couple of days ago in 300 parts.

Andrew is open-minded and opinionated at the same time and has a real creative bent.  He spends a lot of his time in Andrew’s Alley.  A creative space full of colour, rainbows, imagination and dreams.  Creativity is contagious .

Regular visits to Andrew’s Alley are recommended.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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