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Category: life

Simple Message From Above

My old Grasmere neighbour, Williams Wordsworth once wrote that he “wandered lonely as a cloud” until he happened upon “a

Changing Tastes

Youth, they say, is wasted on the young. But so too is taste. We start life with about 30,000 taste

Check In To Check Out

Mobile phones and tablets can be life savers but they can also be anchors that drag you down. You may

Nurturing Through Nature

Though there is a lot of inspiration online, sitting in front of a screen all day will not be the

Living it to the Max

New Zealand scientist and an all round disruptor, Sir Ray Avery, has a unique approach to keeping himself on track

Different, But For The Better

Children have great aspirations. They want to be firemen, the President, ballet dancers, doctors, snake wranglers and All Blacks. They

Bums Off Seats

A few years back I posted on the standup desk at work. For the many of us who work sitting

To Live Longer, Create

There’s a lot of emphasis on keeping our bodies in top condition through diet and exercise, but what about keeping

No Buts

The word I most dislike in the English language is “but.” This is the standard fare of the abominable “No-Man”.

Do You Want a Wantologist?

Many of us have outsourced parts of our lives and hired someone to do the jobs we don’t want to

Books on

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