What’s the most dangerous place over Christmas / New Year?
An aeroplane.  Any aeroplane.
How many of us have caught a cough or a cold after being trapped in a metal tube for hours on end, surrounded by flu germs, coughing passengers, and the dreaded sneezers?
An unlikely source – the UK Institute of Sport – has just issued guidance to athletes on how to minimise the risk of catching cold when travelling to/from training or events.
Four pieces of common sense that, given the amount of time I spend on planes, I can personally vouch for:
1)    Choose a window seat to reduce contact with potential germ-carriers – avoid being trapped near the hurly burly of the ever busy aisle.
2)    Avoid seats near the lavatories.  That’s where all the people visit!
3)    Disinfect the arm-rests, seat-belt buckles and tables.  That’s where the germs live.
4)    Drink plenty of water.
Stay Healthy.
Season’s Greetings.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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