Category: 64 Shots

FB Live With Sree

One of the joys of launching a new book – in my case 64 Shots: Leadership in a Crazy World

True Grit

Determination. Resolve. Perseverance. Strength of character. Peak Performance. Whatever you want to call it, there’s a brave four-letter word that

64 Shots In New York June 15

Mark the diary: Wednesday June 15, 7pm, KR one-on-one with Alexis Glick for the Academi of Life. A few years

64 Shots – A Taste

As we gear towards the launch on June 21 of 64 Shots: Leadership in a Crazy World, I’m going to

64 Shots

Dear KR Connect Reader… Happy New Year. It’s not too late for this greeting, we’re just three weeks in, and especially

Books on
