Category: family

Stella Visits

I couldn’t resist sharing this picture Ro took of our granddaughter Stella (now 14 months!) who is visiting us with

Social Work in Amsterdam

On the morning in December that my mother died I was in Amsterdam opening a Saatchi & Social exhibition. The

Social Work in Amsterdam

On the morning in December that my mother died I was in Amsterdam opening a Saatchi & Social exhibition. The

In Praise of Sisters

I managed to get up to Grasmere last week for a couple of days and thoroughly enjoyed battening down the

Fireworks in Dubai

I was a guest, with my wife Rowena and daughter Bex, at the opening of Atlantis-The Palm in Dubai on

Fireworks in Dubai

I was a guest, with my wife Rowena and daughter Bex, at the opening of Atlantis-The Palm in Dubai on

Sustaining Families

Today I want to draw sustainability in another direction. Towards technology. No, not technologies that save energy or clean the

Sustaining Families

Today I want to draw sustainability in another direction. Towards technology. No, not technologies that save energy or clean the

Books on
