Category: numbers

52 The Deck of Cards

Here’s some numbers for the Season. I heard this narrated by Wink Martindale, U.S. DJ and radio show host (now

The Thrill of it

Image source: Big Data has permeated every industry. There’s no denying it. From the way our food is grown

Numbers Have Your Number

Image source: We are heavily influenced by numbers. Just how much might surprise you – and I’m not referring

Holy Trinity

As much as we would like to think that in 2014 our world is completely customizable, the fact remains that

In The Charts

There’s nothing like a chart to add jazz to the numbers and help people get the picture quick and easy.

Numbers And Truth

On October 19-21, Göteborg, Sweden, will play host to the Marcus Wallenberg Symposium on “Numbers and Truth” where participants will discuss

Books on
