Category: technology

A Look At 2054

In 1973, science historian James Burke was asked to predict what the future would look like in 20 years. He

Age: Richer, Not Slower?

It’s been generally accepted that our mental faculties slow down with age. Cognitive decline, they call it, and scientists have

So-prisingly Obvious

The best ideas are often the simplest, they make you say: “I wish I’d thought of that!” We often don’t

Technology and Aesthetics

The best technology finds a balance between functionality and aesthetics. Last week I wrote about the Concorde, the iconic supersonic

The Mobile Revolution

Mobile phones and devices have helped reduce gaps in the market in recent years. We can do more on-screen, in

Love the Lions

The magnificent Lions’ tour of Australia has just culminated in a spectacular and brutal deciding match in Sydney. It had

The Big Small Screen

The HBO series Game of Thrones was the most illegally downloaded programme in 2012. Twenty-four hours after the first episode

The Future Belongs To The 90s

Before the millennium, people used to wonder what amazing change would happen in the future. We thought we would be

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