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Three Social Thunderstorms

Many of us would admit that we spend too much of our time on social media. While we don’t want to let go of our obsession, most of us would prefer to find a more efficient way to manage our time online. This is according to George Colony, CEO of Forrester Research who spoke on the ‘Three Social Thunderstorms’ at the LeWeb 2011 conference in Paris. These are 1) Death of the Web, the approach of App Internet, 2) Social is saturated, 3) Enterprise Social is the next big opportunity.

Research has shown the people are now spending more time on social media than volunteering, shopping, or talking on the phone. No wonder so many start-ups are looking to capitalize on this huge audience. Colony says that we are heading towards social saturation, meaning that there isn’t enough consumer attention to go around all these sites and as a result the social start-up bubble will burst.

Colony believes that the industry will move towards a more “app-internet” as people increasingly look for applications that offer real value for the time they devote online. Consumers are now asking for better and more efficient apps and won’t hesitate to drop an app for one that provides a better service. Companies who are innovative and provide a better overall experience to consumers than what is already on the market have the leading edge. Watch this space.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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