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We are moving rapidly forward into a hybrid world of Artificial Intelligence, Practical Creativity, Human Empathy and Instinct.

It is a world of excitement, anxiety, fear, volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity (VUCA), and it is accelerating (VUCAA).

We need to climb aboard and surf the wave.  No more BMW’s (bitching, moaning and whining).  Take control of your own destiny.  You are responsible for your own happiness.

Embrace AI.  Do not fear it.  Harness it to enhance your happiness.

I’m working with a brave, insightful start-up – Quench.AI in London, led by the inspirational Husayn Kassai, aided and abetted by my old friend Ana Bakshi and a team of young, talented leaders – and they have understood that humans make the best teachers, and technology makes the best curator and facilitator!

So if you’re a middle manager whose role comprises largely of manipulating input in one form and reporting it upwards in another form, or you’re in a role involving repetitive tasks or standard data analysis, or in a clerical role, then Repurpose yourself quickly.  AI can do what you do more effectively and more economically.

If you’re in a job that requires empathy, strategic thinking, instinct and, above all, creativity, then raise your sights, your hopes, your ambitions – and your fees!!

(And if you’re a Programmer who can design, supervise and refine AI, then you’re in like Flynn!!!)

Reframe and Blue Ocean your life today!

Fortune Favours the Brave.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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