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The Time Is Always Now …

Last week I posted a quote from Mary Oliver which I have on display in our US and UK homes.  Following on from that I was reminded that the answer to Mary’s question should be given today; it’s never too late; you’re never too old to do something brilliantly fun and unexpected to punctuate your life.  The Time is Always Now.

Robin reminded me of this by sending me a great article from Berit Lewis, an expert on health and ageing.  She outlines a five point plan to make the most out of the years remaining of your one wild and precious life.  She stresses growing older, not getting older:

  1. Choose what you pay attention to.  Focus on stuff you can change; on stuff that matters; on positive stuff.  Don’t dwell on the stuff you can’t change.  No regret.  No guilt.  No surrender!
  2. Challenge your negative assumptions about ageing (see Don’t Let The Old Man In, 10 episodes so far on KR Connect, the latest episode April 2nd this year).  I’m still living life to the max, making happy choices, and working full time with clients old and new – and even getting involved in the dreaded AI.  Keep thinking different!
  3. Don’t battle your discomfort.  Embrace it, suck it up, confront it, laugh at it – the discomfort diminishes once you embrace it.  Hello knee pain – we’ll just walk slower and hammer that Peloton – creaming my age group!!
  4. Be kind to yourself.  Reframe “Poor Me” to “I’m only human, I’m still alive, and that beats the alternative”.  Stop beating yourself up.  You’ve earned the right to relax, be calm and to live life slow.  Enjoy it.
  5. Step out of autopilot with a beginner’s mind (think like a five year old).  Life is just a series of transitions.  Am now in the 4th Quarter – when all the interesting twists and turns happen.  Bring it on.

Happiness Runs.


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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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