President Shimon Peres on Amazon is constantly evolving and adding value to its products. Its latest idea has been to launch a series of interviews with world leaders, called the Kindle Single Series. It nailed it with its debut edition, providing a brilliant interview with Israeli President Shimon Peres.

It’s no secret that I’m a great admirer of President Peres. I have written on this blog about having the privilege of meeting him during a visit to Israel and the inspiration he imparted to me during our brief time together. He is a man of wisdom, humanity and grace. A Nobel Peace Prize winner. Honored with the President Medial of Freedom in the USA.

Shimon Peres is also nearing his 90th birthday and the insights this interview draws out are beautiful. You might think, given he is coming toward the end of his life, that he spends a lot of time reflecting on what he has seen and done. But he is quick to point out that he doesn’t like to waste his time thinking about the past. President Peres takes great pleasure in meditating on the technological advancements of today’s age. Neuroscience, social media, digital technology. He understands that the world is run on ideas. It’s not about wealth or strength. It’s about smarts. Creativity. Passion.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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