The Rubell Family Collection In Miami

The last time I was in Miami, I visited an extraordinary private collection of contemporary art. I say privately owned, but in fact the Rubell Family Collection is open to the public and behaves like a major museum. If you want Mystery, this museum has got it starting with the building. Think it has the no-nonsense look of a fortress about it? You’d be right. The building used to be a D.E.A confiscated goods warehouse. (That’s Drug Enforcement Agency). Once you’re inside you are confronted by mysteries that excite and inspire. This is one of the most impressive contemporary art collections in the world. Don and Mera Rubell take their responsibility as collectors of major cultural icons seriously. The collection has its own curator and professional staff. There is an education program, publications, a rich library and a fantastic Phaidon bookshop. The Rubells have always been smart, fast and intuitive in their selections. They were among the first to collect work by artists like Richard Prince, Paul McCarthy and, more recently, the new Leipzig painters. If you love the excitement and challenge of contemporary art, and enjoy seeing it displayed by people with passion, then a visit to the Rubell Family Collection will be a great Lovemark experience.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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