Lovemarks Around The World

One of the things that makes the Lovemarks concept so powerful and intuitive is that it is universal. I have given lectures on Lovemarks all over the world, and no matter where I travel, I meet people eager to tell me about the places, people, brands and products that hold a special place in their hearts.

The comments that flow into every day are testament to the universality of the Lovemarks idea. Here are Lovemarks nominations and comments from the past few weeks. They have come from around the globe, and they show how Lovemarks transcend culture, language, and geography.

Mohammed Rafi – Megha (India)
He is definitely a Lovemark for the millions of listeners who are touched by a certain sincerity and soul he lends to a composition. He renders a folk-style song with as much ease, expressiveness and élan as poignantly he would the Bhajans and Kirtans, notwithstanding his religious milieu. Listening to Mohd. Rafi singing feels almost like a responsibility/duty, well-fulfilled towards the hours of hard-work the team put in to make each song. That’s the sincerity of making not only his willowy voice, but also the connotation of lines written, noticeable to the listener – that’s almost as pure as a child’s love. This makes anyone who has some sense of music truly ‘feel’ the songs.
Pasculli – missk70 (Germany)
Pasculli is a small brand for roadbikes, single speeds, etc, based in Berlin. They are producing tailor made frames, which are manufactured by hand in Italy. The brand is inspired by an Italian oboe musician and they are working closely with a great designer and sports photographer. The whole concept is based on the love for cycling, design and art and you can feel the passion of the team behind this brand on the website, in the store, from the people working for the brand and see it in the bikes.

John Lewis – emmajane (UK)
Simply the best retail stores in the UK. If ever there was a 3 minute warning I would head straight to John Lewis as ‘nothing bad could ever happen at John Lewis’. Excelling at both customer service and value the company has no employees as it is a true co-operative and therefore only has partners. Interestingly enough like COSTCO, it is also the largest and the fastest growing store in the UK returning a cash profit share to all partners twice a year. I have shopped at John Lewis since I was a child and would not shop anywhere else as I really really trust them.

Wong – Guille (Peru)
This place is actually cool! It’s true that the ambience is nice and clean, but the attention is remarkable. You won’t find any supermarket in Peru in which employees bring your stuff to your car. Buying at Wong is a whole experience, their service transforms it into a new living style!

Primo – Nick (New Zealand)
The ultimate in flavoured milk. Could be a very New Zealand thing but I personally have a huge fascination and affection for this brand. Apart from the usual flavours, the Limited Edition (although popularity has now kept it in stores for ages) Choc Crunch has got me through a lot of long days and late nights. A true love affair for me.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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