‘tis the Season…

…to be jolly, and shoppers are making the most of it. Forbes reported that November same-store sales for the big US retailers were generally beating analysts’ expectations. This is positive news for an economy comprising nearly two thirds consumer spending. Leading the charge was (our client) JCPenney with a 9.2% gain and the biggest Black Friday sales event in the company’s history – a great reward for the efforts of CEO Mike Ullman and his team.

JCP also said that traffic on is well ahead of last year, which gels with another report that says American shoppers spent some $17.5 billion online between 1 November and 5 December – up 12% on 2009. Add to that the prediction that overall $127 billion or 28% of US holiday spending will involve some form of mobile commerce or social networking and it’s clear that screen-influenced shopping is gathering pace.

With retail energy levels on the up mid-way through the season, getting momentum through screens will come down to 2 big questions: Do I want to see it again? Do I want to share it?

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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