Small But Determined

While small businesses are certainly feeling the effects of the current economic environment, their entrepreneurial spirit is not only keeping them afloat but arming them with optimism. In a recent study, a huge 91 percent of small businesses expected 2012 to be a better year for business than the last.

Despite being stressed and over-worked, small business owners remain incredibly driven. Another study carried out in late 2011 found that rather than disheartening small business owners, the grim economic backdrop made nearly a third of them more determined to succeed. It makes sense. When you’re pouring you life into your work, you’re more inspired than ever to make it work come hell or high water.

Entrepreneurs are defined by their ability to identify needs, spark change and infect those around them with optimism and passion. And they’re a growing bunch – today’s millennials are armed with the drive and passion to turn their business dreams into reality. While they may still be the minority, it’s this group that’s pumping life back into the global economy.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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