I’m a firm believer that great organizations, great brands and great people are purpose-inspired. There’s nothing more refreshing than a lively spirit driven to make a positive difference in the world.

On the individual track, there are plenty of high profile examples, not least Steve Jobs thinking different and Oprah living her best life everyday. At the same time, there are inspirers and instigators around every corner in life, and they come in all combinations and from the most unlikely places.

It turns out this includes vegan bodybuilders, as this NYT article reveals. As counterintuitive as it sounds, there is a niche community of vegan bodybuilders competing these days (and even winning) against meat eaters in the mankini-wearing muscles-flexing wars.

Reasons for bodybuilders to go vegan can range from better health to personal beliefs to steroid rebellion. I love the observation of one victorious vegan body builder here: “I’m no longer an athlete, I’m a warrior now. There’s a big difference. The athletes are just out to get paid. Warriors stand for something.” Fantastic, Purpose-Inspired to the pips and core.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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