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Greatness (Part II)

I wrote a piece on Greatness last month (August 1st) and while I was on Vancouver Island with Robin, he shared a Wired article around NBA legend Steph Curry and the new documentary on him from Black Panther’s director Ryan Coogler – ‘Underrated’.

Underrated is as far away as you can imagine from the typical Greatest Hits reel of most sports documentaries.  It goes long on ‘irrational confidence’, self-belief, belief in those on your team and arriving at greatness; not as a destination, but as a by-product.

I believe great teams and great leaders make each other.  The Curry/Coogler team is a great example of exactly that.  Catch Underrated if you can – on Apple.

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Kevin Roberts

Kevin Roberts is founder of Red Rose Consulting; business leader and educator; author and speaker; adviser on marketing, creative thinking and leadership.


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